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Our first single is out. Title track to the upcoming EP, "Menagerie."

Last summer, I was watching the credits of a tv show filmed in Chicago, "The Bear." For some reason as the skyline appeared, I typed out all the lyrics to the song “Menagerie." I picked up my guitar and almost immediately played out the arrangement. In typical fashion when one of us comes up with a song idea, I recorded it on my phone and sent it to Eric. A couple weeks later, he sent me back the song with his musical brilliance added, including some of my favorite lead guitar I’ve heard him play in the 22 years we’ve been collaborating. His added backline fleshed out a sketch of a song which we both knew was a keeper and way outside the typical CUBANSTACK wheelhouse. Tori Pater's tasteful keys put a bow on it and Eric mixed the shit out of it.

We dig it and are excited to share it. The rest of the EP will be released in Mid July...for now, here's Menagerie.

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